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CAPT Robert Windom

June 2022 Officer Spotlight

“Maintain flexibility and humility in all you do. Every interaction you have can likely be both a teaching and a learning moment.”

Deployed to Liberia with the first team of “America’s Health Responders” for the Ebola outbreak in 2014, CAPT Robert Windom, a Public Health Service officer with the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS) Commissioned Corps provided healthcare administrative management in support of the only Ebola Treatment Unit established at that time specifically for healthcare workers in West Africa.  

CAPT Windom has deployed multiple times to serve those in need. For instance, he was the Assistant Secretary of Preparedness and Response’s Immediate Office Liaison for the Operation Warp Speed government COVID-19 response. Some of CAPT Windom’s most recent deployments included serving as the Officer-in-Charge of the Commissioned Corps Command Cell and the Incident Commander/Site Lead for the unaccompanied children from Afghanistan mission. “Maintain flexibility and humility in all you do. Every interaction you have can likely be both a teaching and a learning moment,” said CAPT Windom when reflecting on his deployments.

A prior Medical Service Corps officer in the U.S. Navy, CAPT Windom deployed for Operation Iraqi Freedom. After working in four military hospitals across three countries in roles such as a Hospital Administrator, Emergency Preparedness Coordinator, and Legal Officer while on active duty for all nine years of his time in the U.S. Navy, CAPT Windom joined the USPHS Commissioned Corps for the opportunity to continue his time in a uniformed service. “It was clear that the USPHS Commissioned Corps was the best kept secret and I wanted to be part of this unique service,” said CAPT Windom almost fourteen years ago.

A Health Services Officer working with the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) as the Health and Human Services (HHS) Senior Advisor to U.S. Southern Command in Miami, Florida, CAPT Windom takes his role as a public health leader to the next level by mentoring many junior Public Health Service officers. His passion for selfless commitment to helping others extends to mentoring over 50 Public Health Service officers, which was recognized as the first recipient of the Health Services Professional Advisory Committee (HSPAC) Mentor of the Year award in 2020.   

Born and raised in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, CAPT Windom received his Bachelor’s in Political Science degree from Lafayette College in Pennsylvania before going on to earn Master’s degrees in both Public Health and Business Administration. He most recently completed a Graduate Certificate in Global Health Engagement from the Uniformed Services University of the Health Services.

Devoted to his lovely wife Kellee and their four children, CAPT Windom is a true leader at home for his family, at work for his agency, and while on deployments for the communities he serves. CAPT Windom’s level of humility is a goal we should all strive to achieve whether in or out of uniform.  

In his own words as one of “America’s Health Responders” CAPT Windom said, “being a Public Health Service officer means that I have countless opportunities to serve and support those who are less fortunate or in need. We are a small, but mighty Corps that has a unique responsibility to serve selflessly and to shine a light on what it means to serve communities and individuals in need.”

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